Basic Ortho Instruments

 Ortho Instrument Manufacturer

1. Fundamental SURGICAL ORTHOPEDIC INSTRUMENTS Presented via : Zubair Younis PG Scholar
2. Fundamental Surgical Instruments Basic instrument classes utilized for all muscular surgeries are: • Forceps • Scissors • Retractors • Periosteal lifts • Rongeurs • Nerve snares • Curettes • Dissectors and tests.
4. Parts
5. Cheatles forceps No lock Heavy metal with bended sharp edges Used to choose cleaned contraptions and window hangings to avoid contacting Transfering from one plate to some other Kept in savlon
6. Wipe Forceps  Used to keep bandage wipe to "mop up" the careful site page  Jaws are serrated
7. 1x2 Toothed Tissue Forceps • Single toothed on one side; matches between two lacquer on the different angle • Available as 1x2 or 2x3 or 3x4 • Used to keep troublesome structures like pores and skin while stitching. • Used to keep scalp while scalp stitching.
8. Plain Thumb Forceps • Used to tenderly go tissues far removed all through exploratory surgery • Used to embed pressing into or cast off objects from profound cavities • Used to safeguard refined instinctive organs • Used to save veins and nerves while analyzing.
9. Brown-Adson (thumb) tissue forceps Adson-Brown Tissue Forceps are for securing and controlling inconspicuous tissues. These forceps have a wide, level thumb hold close area that is routinely serrated
10. Adson (thumb) tissue forceps are thumb forceps utilized for holding dressing substances like cotton and bandage at some stage in surgeries, adjusting dressings, or pressing injuries. They have a huge thumb gravitate toward for broadened accuracy and control.
11. Conduit forceps/haemostat • Small mosquito/Halsted • Medium spencerwell • Largebailey forceps Suturing Catchhold of draining ponts Straight/bended
12. Bended Mosquito Hemostat • Used to keep inconspicuous tissue • Used to pack draining vessels • Jaws are entirely serrated
13. Kocher (Oschner) hemostatic forceps With teeth and cross over serrations Can be straight/bended Used to keep meniscus at some stage in menisectomy.
14. Allis tissue forceps Used to safeguard skinwhile raisingskin folds.
15. Babcocks forceps Used to pick up addendum all through appendectomy. Used to safeguard inconspicuous instinctive organs. Less horrendous
16. LAHEY RIGHT ANGLED FORCEPS/CLAMP Used to exclude ligatures round nerves or ligaments before division.
17. LISTERS SINUS FORCEPS No lock Prevents never-ending damage to neurovascular group. Utilized for I/D of canker through Hiltons Method.
18. TONY2010MBBS
19. Listersvsmosquito TONY2010MBBS Nolock
20. Pointed Reduction Forceps Are close by in two sizes - little and enormous. Ideal to hold and control monstrous bone parts.
21. Speedlock bone rebate forceps
22. Needle Holder • Used to protect and pass by a stitching needle through tissue • Has notch to safeguard needle inside jaws • Criss move striations • Length of cutting edge = size of field joint
23. Mayo-Hegar needle holders
24. Towel Clamp • Adds weight to window hangings and towels to ensure they stay in region • Allow exposure of the employable site
25. Backhaus towel clips
26. BPhandle/Bard parkerhandle Blades 10,11,12and15fit in B.P oversee three Blades18,19,20,21,22, 23 and 24 solid in B.P manage 4.
28. Sharp/Sharp Scissors • Used to lessen and take apart tissue • Both cutting edge proposals are sharp
29. Obtuse/Blunt Scissors • Both cutting edge ideas are gruff • Can be bended or straight
30. Mayo analyzing scissor (top) Metzenbaum scissor (base)
31. • Mayo scissors have semi-obtuse closures, a trademark that recognizes them from most unique careful scissors. • Straight-bladed Mayo scissors are intended for cutting constitution tissues near the floor of an injury. • Curved-bladed Mayo scissors grant further infiltration into the injury than the sort with straight sharp edges. • The bended design of Mayo scissor is utilized to decrease thick tissues like these situated in the uterus, muscles, bosom, and foot.
32. • Metzenbaum scissors are careful scissors intended for diminishing unpretentious tissue and gruff analyzation. The scissors have an enormously extensive knife to-sharp edge proportion. • Blades can be bended or straight. • The edge proposals are usually gruff.
35. HEATH SUTURE CUTTING SCISSORS Used to diminish stitches on pores and skin and mucous film.
36. Sharp/Blunt Scissors • Used to diminish and take apart belt and muscle • One obtuse tip and one sharp tip
37. Stitch scissors (gruff obtuse)
38. Lister Bandage Scissors • Used to take out gauzes and dressings • Probe tip is gruff; embedded underneath wraps with relative wellbeing
39. Retractors •Self saving •Handheld
40. SELF RETAINING RETRACTORS • Weitlaner • Adson • Derrico • Mollison • Charnley The sort of retractor utilized depends upon on the profundity of the cut. • Initially , Weitlaner retractors of unmistakable lengths are utilized for withdrawal of the pores and skin and muscle. • As the injury develops and extends, the Derrico retractor or Adson Cerebellar retractor could likewise be utilized.
41. Weitlaner self safeguarding Retractor • 14cm/5½" size • three x four Blunt prongs • Prong profundity 18mm
42. Derrico retractor is longer to oblige a more extended entry point.
43. • 33cm/13" size • four x 5 Blunt prongs • Prong profundity 32mm • Jointed hands Adson Cerebellar retractor Adson Retractor
44. Mollison Self-holding Retractor • 1-2 territories hemi-laminectomy • 14cm/5½" size • three x four Blunt prongs • Prong profundity 18mm
45. Charnley Retractor Also be viewed as the Initial Incision Retractor. Is a self-holding retractor, most regularly utilized over arthroplasty of the hip. It is utilized when fundamental cuts are made and keeps exposure of the hip area so the wellbeing specialist has an unhindered view.
46. HAND HELD RETRACTORS Commonly utilized while obtaining bone from the iliac peak for bone combination in the spine. • Army Navy retractor • Meyerding retractor • Taylor retractor • Langenbeck • Volkmann Catspaw. • Czerny Retractor.
47. Armed force NAVY RETRACTOR • An Army-Navy retractor(manual) is utilized to withdraw shallow or shallow cuts.
48. Meyerding Retractor 22.5cm/9" size Meyerding Handheld Retractor is much of the time used to keep again tissue and muscle in spinal and neurosurgical techniques like laminectomy. Sharp edge aspect 50mm x 16mm 75mm x 25mm 90mm x 50mm
49. 19cm/7½" length
50. Langenbeck Retractor Used to withdraw skin, shallow belt 21.5cm/8½" length
51. Volkmann Catspaw Retractor
52. • CZERNY RETRACTOR • is utilized to withdraw shallow or shallow cuts.
53. Nerve Root Retractor • Used to withdraw nerve attaches near the circle in laminectomies. • Nerve root retractors have a screwy graph so they can be situated somewhere down in the injury. • Derrico nerve root retractor • Caspar nerve root retractor.
54. 24cm/9½" size Caspar Bayonet Nerve Root Retractor
55. O'Connell Nerve Root Retractor • ● 21.5cm/8½" length
56. COBB ELEVATOR • Used to raise and drive the muscle away from the unresolved issue representation of the spine. • The Cobb lift has an assortment of lengths of handles and sizes of oars.
58. Used to discard bone from more modest region of the spine. • Variable jaw lengths which incorporate 1mm, two mm, three mm, four mm, and 5 mm. • Two jaw inclines (40 and ninety degree). • Two sorts: Forward gnawing and in reverse gnawing. Kerrison rongeur
59. Kerrison rongeur
60. Pituitary rongeurs, are utilized to place off plate and tissue in little spaces.
61. Pituitary Rongeurs STRAIGHT JAW
62. 40° ANGLED ahead JAW 40° ANGLED in reverse JAW
63. Caspar Toothed Disk Rongeur Serrated/toothed jaws to help remove circle and tissue.
64. Serrated jaw
65. NERVE HOOKS • Used to find regions round the refined nerves . Three chief nerve snares are: • Dandy obtuse nerve snare, which has a brief and gruff plan. • Cushing Gasserian gruff nerve snare, which is longer long. • Weary Black nerve snare, which has a more slender and more prominent pointed plan.
66. NERVE HOOKS Cushing Gasserian gruff nerve hookDandy obtuse nerve snare
67. DISSECTORS/Elevators: Used to raise tissues or increment a discouraged or depressed piece of bone or to isolate delicate tissues from nerves and vessels. Howarth Elevator MacDonald Elevator/Dissector
68. Bone curette It is utilized to scratch away and get rid of sinewy tissue and various particles from bone. It could likewise furthermore be utilized to scratch and put off little pieces of the actual bone.
69. Volkmann Double Ended Curette
70. SPINAL CURETTES Uses to scrap, structure and simple bone. • Available with various sizes of cups. • Curettes can be straight or calculated.
72. Osteotome/Chisels/Gouges • Used to cut, scratch, clean, scoop or shape the bone. • They range in the sort of tip. • Osteotome are angled on each surfaces. • An etch has one angled edge. • Gouges have a measured tip to scoop out bone material. • They are utilized with a hammer.
73. Stille Osteotome Lexer Osteotome
74. Capener Lamina Gouge Chisel
75. Hammer
76. Lamina Spreader • To valuable asset in extending the region between the lamina. • To keep the circle regions open.
77. Pedicle hatchet - To puncture external cortex of pedicle
78. Pedicle Probe-Straight with ball tipped) • Used to sound the pedicle for any cortical break in every one of the 4 quadrants. • Also used to check wheteher there is any infiltration to vertebral constitution anteriorly at some stage in pedicle screw obsession.
79. Periosteal lift (Freer) Periosteal lifts are overall to convey full thickness delicate tissue folds
80. Farabeuf Periosteal Elevator
81. AO Periosteal Elevator
82. Mc Donalds Periosteal Elevator
83. Bone shaper and Bone Nibbler Used to reshape the bone throughout osteotomies, amputations.implant.
